When you mention buying a new monitor, people immediately assume that it is for your desk top only and they never think that you may be using it as an extra screen for your laptop. A laptop is an essential piece of equipment for any busy person nowadays but many seem to overlook the benefits of being able to attach a large sized monitor which not only cuts down on the strain that your eyes experience but also gives you a more pleasurable and useful PC experience. The maximum size for laptops nowadays is around 17 inches and so this can be too small at times when you’re trying to be as productive as you need to be.

This is why you might want to consider a high quality, affordable Monitor DELL to use alongside your laptop computer which gives you an incredible amount of screen space and also offers you many advantages as well. Sometimes it can hurt your neck and back depending on the positioning of your laptop and so if you attach it to a monitor then this can help with things like your sitting posture. If you’re still not yet sold on the benefits of choosing the right kind of monitor to use with your laptop then maybe the following can help to convince you otherwise.
- The ability to multitask – If you restrict yourself to only a laptop screen then you’re going to be straining your eyes and you’re not going to be able to multitask like you would with a standard desktop PC. As was previously mentioned before, you can set up a more ergonomic position that will help your posture and reduce neck and back pain instead of getting a relaxing massage when you need it, which many people suffer from throughout their working day.
- It’s easy to connect – Connecting up a monitor to your laptop computer is so easy and straightforward and in many cases it can all be done by the simple addition of a HDMI cable that plugs into the slot on the side of your laptop and then into the monitor in front of you. This means that you are offered incredible convenience when you need it the most and the laptop and the monitor can be connected and disconnected with relative ease.
- More windows – If it is your wish to split the screen on your laptop when working remotely while on your well deserved vacation time then you are generally restricted to only a couple of tabs that can sit side-by-side. If you attach an additional monitor however you’re going to have a lot more room to feature more tabs and its economy is a lot easier to read as well. If you were to use a 30 inch monitor for example, then you could share three tabs on the same screen and this allows you to organise your work more efficiently and effectively.

From a gaming point of view, it’s a much better experience when able to watch a larger monitor than having to rely on your laptop screen. Gaming requires a lot of focus on your part and so trying to keep an eye on everything that is happening on the screen on a small laptop isn’t conducive to protecting your eyesight at all.