
Top 5 Risk Associated With Silicone Injections

Beauty and beauty norms have always been an obsession in most cultures. Whether you identify as a man, woman, or some other gender, you are expected to look a certain way. It doesn’t help that magazines and pop culture emphasize that extreme body modifications like big buttocks, enhanced breasts, and pouty lips are the definition of beauty. As a result, consumers such as yourself may be tempted to change their bodies to fit this benchmark. While plastic surgery is not inherently bad, certain practices done in the name of plastic surgery are.

Not all cosmetic procedures are safe for you, but they can also lead to extreme complications and side effects that can disfigure you for life. One such product is injectable silicons, which are heavily preferred for body contouring. On a surface level choosing a silicon injection may seem like a good idea since the results of using it are instantaneous, but reality depicts otherwise.

Listen to the FDA

In the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, has not approved injectable silicone for any aesthetic process, which includes facial or body contouring. This means while you may find clinics and aestheticians willing to inject silicone into you, it is recommended that you don’t get them as the FDA has not provided clearance for it.

Following these regulations can save you from a lifetime of pain, infections, and injuries that can scar you. So, if you weren’t aware before and got silicone injections, you should get them removed. Places like Miami are the hub for plastic surgery; you can find many cost-effective ways to get the treatments you want, including safely removing silicone injections in buttocks to prevent significant side effects from impacting your body. Don’t wait for a complication to occur before you take action.

Furthermore, it is essential to note that injectable silicon differs from injectable dermal fillers. The latter are regulated medical devices which the FDA approves of. Your body can break down dermal fillers since they are made of substances that can absorb, but silicone cannot be broken down.



Complications Associated with Silicone Injections

Silicone injections have numerous side effects, and knowing what this chemical can do to your body can help you stay safe. Here are some glimpses of what these injectables can do:

Understand When You Need Help

The FDA encourages everyone who gets an injectable silicone to seek immediate medical help, especially if they experience difficulty breathing, chest pain, or a stroke. Likewise, you must check into the ER if you have trouble speaking, numbness, or limb weakness. These symptoms indicate that your body may strongly react to the silicone, which can be potentially life-threatening. There are safe ways to change your physical appearance, and it’s best you talk to a healthcare expert to find a method safe for you.

1. Injectable Silicone Can Move Around

Silicone is soft; it can move around; once you get it injected into your body, there’s a chance that the silicone can shift to other parts of your body. For instance, if the silicone gets injected into your buttocks, it can travel through your blood vessels to other body parts like the lungs, heart, or brain and become an embolism. When your blood vessels are obstructed, it can cause a stroke or even death. If the aesthetician injects a large amount of silicone into your body, it can turn into a gravel-like substance and harden under your skin which is extremely painful.


2. You May Come Down With Irregularities

Liquid silicone can induce a horrible reaction that is tedious to treat. Silicone tends to harden or forms lumps such as granulomas. These can cause your features to look lumpy and asymmetrical. Sometimes, the silicone injected between your fat and tissues can also become fibrous. Whenever silicone reacts harshly with your body, it can give you a great deal of pain and distort your physical features. As a result, you’ll have no choice but to see a doctor and get it treated.

Depending on your condition’s extent, a doctor may use topical cryotherapy or corticosteroid to eliminate the small doses of silicone in your system. But if you have a large filler, you will need surgery since the product may be embedded deep within your tissues and must be removed through an incision. There’s a chance you may end up with surgical scars, and recovery following this procedure is often long, which is another nuisance you’ll have to put up with.

3. Extreme Chronic Pain

Silicone can lead to the formation of scar tissues resulting in intense chronic pain. If your sciatic nerves are compressed, you may feel immense leg pain. On the other hand, if your low back nerves get compressed, you may have trouble walking, sitting, or bending. There may also be visible signs of inflammation, redness, and soreness which can hinder your routine. If you get these injections in your buttocks, you may find it hard to ride the bicycle, motorbike, or car and, in some cases, maybe in far too much pain to sit.


4. A High Probability of Your Skin Dying

After you get a silicone injection, your body will react immediately. Most patients feel itchy and see visible swelling and redness around their bodies. These symptoms are uncommon, and if you’re experiencing unpleasant side effects right away, your body rejects the product. Once the scar tissue forms around the silicone, your body will try to eliminate the chemical. It does this by causing your skin pores to dilate, pushing the silicone out of your body. Unfortunately, silicone is a large product, and it can get stuck in your pores, which can cause your skin to break down and die gradually. When your skin goes through necrosis, your skin cells and tissues begin to deplete, resulting in your skin’s death.

5. A Significant Risk of Developing Cancer

Silicone injections are carcinogenic. When this chemical is introduced into your body, it triggers your immune system to form scar tissue Aldine the chemical to prevent it from spreading. However, silicone is an irritant; it’s abrasive. Hence, it will constantly rub against the scar tissue, preventing it from forming altogether. Rapid production of scar tissue is detrimental to your health; this constant creation of scar tissue can cause an error in your DNA. These mistakes are made into granulomas which steadily change to cancer-like squamous cells. If you go for a health check, your biopsy may reveal lumps in your body.


Final Thoughts

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look good, but there are safe ways to get your desired physique without endangering yourself. Silicone injections, while an obtainable way of modifying your body, has several long-term repercussions of using this product that will not bode well for you. Silicone injections do not have FDA clearance for the right reasons, and allowing it to enter your body may only lead to complications like lumps, chronic pain, disfigurement, and, in severe cases, cancer. Therefore, save yourself the pain of using this substance and stick to techniques like implants that can give you the contouring you want without putting you in harm’s way.

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