
How Many Apples Can You Give a Dog Per Day?

Apples are a great snack to give your dog. They contain many health benefits and fiber, which helps your pup have regular bowel movements. Apples are a nutritional way to help satisfy your pup’s sweet tooth every so often.

Remember that too many apples are not good for your dog’s health. If your dog consumes a lot of apples, they may experience a stomach ache or worse, depending on the amount they ate.

You should carefully consider how you prepare an apple for your dog to eat and just how much they should eat in a single day. Feeding treats in moderation is always key.

Apples Are Great for Your Pup


It is indeed true. Apples are a fantastic and healthy treat to provide your dog with.

They offer several health benefits in a tasty and crunchy package, which you can read more about it here.

Apples contain vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin C. These vitamins boost your pup’s immune system, promote eye and skin health, and do many other super beneficial things.

Minerals such as potassium and calcium can also be found in apples. These beneficial minerals support good bone health, boost kidney function, and improve other bodily functions.

Apples are also a great source of the soluble fiber known as pectin. Pectin is wonderful for a dog’s digestion and absorbs water in the intestines. It can help with constipation and diarrhea and keep your pup’s bowel movements regular.

Apples are also low in calories, making them a great treat for dogs that might need to lose some weight. They can even help clean your pup’s teeth while being eaten, although apple peels can hinder this.

How Many Apples Can My Dog Have in a Day?



As with any treat, too many apples can make your dog feel sick. If your pup eats a lot of apples, they will probably experience a stomach ache, diarrhea, or worse, depending on how much and which parts of the apple were eaten.

Keep in mind that a whole apple contains about 25 grams of sugar. Giving your dog an apple is too sugary for them, but cutting it up into chunks allows them to get a sweet treat with no issues. If you want to feed apples to your pup, you will need to do so in moderation.

With that being said, giving your pup one or two slices of apples each day makes for a healthy snack. Their craving for sweets can be satisfied while they munch on a healthy treat.

If you prefer to give them applesauce, you should stick to half a cup or less. It can be given to the dog alone or mixed with other food.

How to Safely Prep an Apple


The flesh of an apple is great for dogs to eat. The other apple parts are not as safe for your beloved pup.

Ensure that you remove the stem, the entire core, and all apple seeds. The core and stem are choking hazards. If your dog does eat them, they can cause digestive problems and intestinal blockages.

The seeds of an apple contain small amounts of cyanide and are poisonous. A few seeds will likely not do any harm, but cyanide can be fatal to your dog in large amounts.

Apple peels are okay on or off. They should not cause any digestive issues and contain fiber. Whether you want your dog to have more or less fiber in their diet, you can keep the peels on or take them off.

There may be dirt, germs, and pesticides on the outside of your apple, so wash it before you feed it to your pup. While washing may get rid of some pesticide residue, it may not remove it all. If you are concerned, you should just take the peel off.

If you are feeding your dog a raw apple, make sure to cut it into slices or chunks before feeding it to them. If you are baking with apples for your dog, do not use extra sugar, and be careful about what spices you add. Nutmeg is especially toxic to dogs and should be avoided.


Apples are delicious and healthy treats that you can share with your dog. Like any other treat, you should give them to your pup in moderation. Too many apples can give your beloved friend an upset stomach.

Always remove the apple stem, core, and seeds before feeding any to your pup. These are harmful to them and can cause an array of problems.

You can contact your vet if you are unsure if apples are suitable for your dog. Always monitor them if you are feeding them a new type of food for the first time.

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